Life: A Journey Through Thick and Thin

“So what is my blog about?” some people may ask. The best way I can put it is it is going to be about life (hence the title).

I used to be one of those people who just wanted o get everything done as quick as possible, and as I am growing up I am realizing that sometimes when it comes to life the details are in the journey. There are three ways you can travel anywhere, you can go by plane, car, or walk. Now sure when you fly or drive you can go places faster and get stuff done sooner, but when you walk you can’t help but notice the details whether you are on a nature hike and observe the sounds of a babbling brook,  or are walking to work and smell a dead animal on the side of the road. Like I said the details are in the journey. Some pleasant some not so nice.

So that pretty much sums up what my blog is going to be about, [my life, my journey].

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